Things to Know


There are a few types of vampires, but first, I'll define how vampires are at Cross Academy. As in traditional folklore, they are sensitive to the sun and exist during the night, however sunlight will only cause minor burns [sometimes never] and not actually harm them dangerously. When vampires are killed, they turn into dust. (however, Purebloods are special in the way that when they die, instead of dust, they shatter into shards of glass). The most effective way to kill a vampire is through the head or the heart. Vampires have developed blood tablets that take the place of needing to feed on real blood, however it does not taste very good. So, at Cross Academy, drinking of human blood is strictly forbidden. [However, it hasn't stopped vampires in the past.] When a vampire is ready to drink a human's blood, their eyes turn red with bloodlust.

- All vampires display an accelerated healing. The purer the vampire blood, the stronger the healing factor.
- Decelerated ageing: the purer the vampire blood, the longer the life of the vampire. Purebloods are immortal, however.
- Ability to erase memories.
- Ability to use animals as a familiar, to watch and listen through the animal.
- Telekinetic powers, ability to use these highly destructively.
- Aristocrats/Level B [only] most commonly display the ability to control an individual element, such as fire, ice, lightning and ect.
- Vampires can manifest things. Basic things.
 Types of Vampires

There are five types of vampires. Level A, level B, level C, level D, and level E. Or also known as Purebloods, Aristocrats, Commoners, and ex-human.

       Purebloods: Level A Vampires.The bloodline of purebloods hasn't been tainted by humans, therefore 'pureblood'.They're the strongest type of vampire and have the most significant powers. Despite the fact that Purebloods are very powerful, they only make up for a very small portion of the vampire population. It is taboo to kill or to even harm a Pureblood. As a result, Purebloods are treated like royalty. The powers of Purebloods are dangerous to both their fellow vampires and humans. Purebloods have the ability to compel lesser vampires to do their bidding. If a human is bitten by a Pureblood that human will turn into a vampire. When they die, they don't turn into dust, but shatter like glass. Only purebloods can turn humans into vampires.
Note: Usually Pureblood vampires marry their siblings. It's to keep their bloodline pure of any humans. The siblings usually marry and have children, usually a boy and a girl, who are destined to be together to keep the bloodline from being tainted. Most vampires understand that and respect it.

Aristocrats:  Level B vampires. They are elite vampires with specialised abilities beyond normal vampires.These are also very powerful vampires, but not as much so as pure bloods. They also have a small amount of human blood in their ancestry. When an aristocrat is killed, they turn to dust, as do the other levels below them. These aristocratic vampires are still able to be compelled by Purebloods, but enjoy a much more independent lifestyle in general.

Commoners:  Level C vampires. These are average vampires with no significant powers.

Note: Purebloods, Aristocrats, and Commoners, are all born as vampires. For their ranking, it just depends on how much human lineage is involved.

Ex-humans: Ex-human vampires, also known as level D and level E are the lowest form of vampires, humans who have been turned into vampires by being bitten by a Pureblood vampire. The E in Level E represents the word 'end' because after falling to level E, it's usually the end of their life after losing control. If they don't want to meet there end yet, they have to drink blood from others. A level D is a vampire that is still sane. Once is loses control, it becomes level E. The only way a level D can contain control, is if they can drink the blood of a Pureblood [which is forbidden].

Blood Tablets

Blood tablets are a type of substitute for blood, consumed by dropping one to two tablets into a glass of water turning the water blood-coloured, they are also often ingested directly depending on one's preference.
Blood tablets are not a real substitute for blood as they do not taste very satisfying. The Night Class students are known to prefer real blood.
Some ex-humans cannot accept blood tablets as their bodies physically reject them. Usually, those ex-human vampires either die of thirst or drink the blood of a human. 

Vampire Hunters

Hunters are born, not made. They are gifted humans, whose powers are passed on through to the next generations. It is believed that the original vampire hunters ate a vampire to gain their powers.Vampire Hunters have the power to sense vampires, slightly accelerated healing and can even perform some magical spells. Vampire hunters are able to wield and use anti-vampire weapons. These qualities make a hunter much stronger than that of the average human. Some vampire hunters are known live past the expected age of an average human due to the amount of vampire blood in their veins. All vampire hunters have a special anti-vampire weapon that is able to kill only vampires and does not harm humans. Example: sword, gun, etc.

Day Class

Day class is the term applied to the Human students who attend Cross Academy, they attend classes during the normal daylight hours. The Day Class only consists of humans and vampire hunters. The students live on campus in the Sun Dorms and are not permitted to leave the grounds after dark, though not all follow this rule. A vast majority of the Day Class (particularly the female students) idolise the Night Class and almost everyone is unaware of the their true identities. Their uniforms are consist of, for the girls, of a black jacket, white dress shirt, red ribbon, black mini skirt, black knee high socks and a pair of dark coloured boots. It also comes along with the customised rose insignia buttons and cuff lines. For the boys, it mainly consists of: a black vest, a white dress shirt, a red tie, a black pair of pants and a black jacket. The Day Class uniform is also customised with the white lining design, customised rose buttons and cuff links.

Night Class

 The Night Class is a group of vampires [usually Purebloods, Aristocrats, and Commoners] who attend Cross Academy and live on campus in the Moon Dorms. The Night Class only consists of vampires and vampires only. They are forbidden to drink human blood and are only allowed to have blood tablets. Their secret is supposed to stay hidden from the Day Class students. Their uniforms consist, at least for the boys, of: a white vest, a black dress shirt, a red tie, a white pair of pants and a white jacket. The Night Class uniform is also customised with the black lining design, customised rose buttons and cuff links.For the girls, a white jacket, black dress shirt, red ribbon, white mini skirt, black knee high socks and a pair of dark coloured boots. It also comes along with the customised rose insignia buttons and cuff links.

If you have anymore questions, just ask! :)

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